The Australian Childcare Alliance applauds the recent changes to the activity test that were passed through Parliament and celebrates the positive impact it will have on vulnerable and disadvantaged children who will now have access to quality Early Childhood Education and Care.

The Senate passed the Government’s bill to guarantee parents a minimum three days of subsidised
childcare, regardless of how much they work or study.
Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) President Paul Mondo said this change was a critical moment
for the ECEC sector and one that the ACA had been advocating for a long time.
“This change is a critical step in improving access to vulnerable children needing access to ECEC, and has been endorsed by multiple reports, including the Inquiry into Australia’s early childhood education and care system by the Productivity Commission last year,” he said.
“Having access to ECEC will have a huge impact on Australia’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged
children. This monumental shift will achieve immediate benefits now and in the years ahead.
“Parents, government and the sector are all aligned in wanting childcare to be available, affordable
and high-quality. ACA believes this is vital for Australian families and we’re looking forward to
implementing the change,” Mr Mondo said.